A Software Engineering Project Hexagineers | IIIT VADODARA 1.Project Idea: The Project idea For our Software Engineering course at IIITV, a team of 6 members(Anil, Madhukar, Megana, Tanmay and Akash) was formed to create a project of our own choice. At starting we discussed so many ideas by keeping the constraints of feasibility. we finalized the idea about online solid waste management. The main idea is to basically collect solid waste such as plastic, glass, ceramics, leathers, paper etc., and recycle them. Although this seems pretty tyro-ish and ambiguous, however there’s a catch. What we wish to do is collect these so called “ kabaad” and move them forward to recycling industries where we could ask these industries to give us finished goods from these materials. We create an e-commerce website where we show our recycled product. And sell these products to those who registered in our website. They can buy thes...